If you can reasonably represent your data as a matrix in which rows are "cells" and columns are genes, MapMyCells can map it! MapMyCells will attempt to run on anything that “looks like” cell-by-gene data. It will do great with single cell sequencing data and spatial transcriptomics data but will probably not work well with bulk sequencing data. In theory epigenetics data that has been summarized to gene-level metrics could also be submitted to MapMyCells, but this has not been tested.
MapMyCells requires h5ad file format. These files are produced by AnnData, a widely used tool for creating, manipulating, and saving large data matrices, such as for expression data. If your cell-by-gene data is in csv format, below is guide on how to create those files in R or Python. Rows are expected to be cells and columns are expected to be genes. Additional data can be provided in the h5ad file but will be ignored for mapping.
MapMyCells expects genes in user data to match the species of the reference taxonomy. This means that cross species mappings require appropriate orthologs in your input data. An R library and precomputated csv files to convert NCBI gene IDs, Ensembl gene IDs, and gene symbols between species is available in this GitHub repository. The preferred gene authority of MapMyCells is Ensembl, and therefore users should ideally use mouse-based or human-based Ensembl gene IDs to match the respective taxonomy in their h5ad file.
We currently accept h5ad files of up to 2 GB for your expression data. These files are produced by AnnData, a widely used tool for creating, manipulating, and saving large data matrices, such as for expression data.
This mapping tool requires simply the cell by gene information of your dataset. Other data in the h5ad file will be ignored for mapping. Rows are expected to be cells and columns are expected to be genes.
For optimal results & performance, your data should be raw count data in a sparse CSR or dense matrix. It should use mouse-based or human-based Ensembl gene IDs to match the respective taxonomy.
Cross species mappings require appropriate orthologs in your input data. Translate NCBI gene IDs to Ensembl gene IDs across species with the R package in this GitHub repository.
Read your data into Python however you want. Some examples include:
As a specific example, we'll download SmartSeq data from mouse VISp from here (https://portal.brain-map.org/atlases-and-data/rnaseq/mouse-v1-and-alm-smart-seq) and convert to h5ad.
Prior to running any code, download the data from this file (https://celltypes.brain-map.org/api/v2/well_known_file_download/694413985)[292MB] to your working directory, and unzip it.
import pandas as pd
Read in exon and intron counts. Combine into a single count matrix.
exons = pd.read_csv("mouse_VISp_2018-06-14_exon-matrix.csv") exons.rename({exons.columns[0]: 'gene_entrez_id'}, axis=1, inplace=True) introns = pd.read_csv("mouse_VISp_2018-06-14_intron-matrix.csv") introns.rename({introns.columns[0]: 'gene_entrez_id'}, axis=1, inplace=True)
Ignoring the first column of each DataFrame, which is just the sample ID
count_matrix = exons[exons.columns[1:]].to_numpy() count_matrix += introns[introns.columns[1:]].to_numpy()
Store sample-based metadata in a dataframe called obs
obs = pd.DataFrame( [{'sample_id': s} for s in exons.columns[1:]]).set_index('sample_id')
Store gene-based metadata in a dataframe called var
var = exons[['gene_entrez_id']]
add gene symbols and set those as the index
gene_symbol_df = pd.read_csv('mouse_VISp_2018-06-14_genes-rows.csv') var = var.join(gene_symbol_df.set_index('gene_entrez_id'), on='gene_entrez_id') var = var.set_index('gene_symbol')
Transpose counts so samples are rows and genes are columns.
Since this file is large we'll just read in the first 10 cells for this example.
Be sure to downsample obs as well. anndata expects obs to have as many rows as the count matrix.
count_matrix = count_matrix[:, :10].transpose() obs = obs[:10]
Read in the data with the h5py library.
As a specific example, we'll download 10x data from mouse cortex and hippocampus from here (https://portal.brain-map.org/atlases-and-data/rnaseq/mouse-whole-cortex-and-hippocampus-10x).
Prior to running any code, download the data from this file (https://idk-etl-prod-download-bucket.s3.amazonaws.com/aibs_mouse_ctx-hpf_10x/expression_matrix.hdf5)[5.3GB] to your working directory.
import h5py import pandas as pd src = h5py.File('expression_matrix.hdf5', 'r')
If we were reading all of the samples, we would use
count_matrix = src['data/counts'][()].transpose()
Only get first 10 samples for speed.
Transpose the counts matrix because anndata expects each row to be a sample and each column to be a gene.
count_matrix = src['data/counts'][:, :10].transpose() gene_symbols = src['data/gene'][()] sample_names = src['data/samples'][()][:10] src.close()
Store sample-based metadata in a dataframe called obs
obs = pd.DataFrame( {'sample_name': s} for s in sample_names).set_index('sample_name')
Store gene-based metadata in a dataframe called var
var = pd.DataFrame( {'gene_symbol': g} for g in gene_symbols).set_index('gene_symbol')
At this point, you should have a matrix (dense or sparse) with samples as rows and columns as genes.
import anndata import scipy.sparse
Convert count matrix to a CSR (row-based access) sparse matrix. (this is optional; just do not save as a CSC sparse matrix)
count_matrix = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(count_matrix) countAD = anndata.AnnData( X=count_matrix, obs=obs, var=var) countAD.write_h5ad("counts.h5ad")
Read your data into R. This can be done in different ways. Some examples include:
Read in the data with "fread" in the "data.table" R library".
As a specific example, we'll download SmartSeq data from mouse VISp from here (https://portal.brain-map.org/atlases-and-data/rnaseq/mouse-v1-and-alm-smart-seq) and convert to h5ad
Prior to running any code, download the data from this file (https://celltypes.brain-map.org/api/v2/well_known_file_download/694413985)[292MB] to your working directory, and unzip it.
library(data.table) # Load library exons <- as.matrix(fread("mouse_VISp_2018-06-14_exon-matrix.csv"),rownames=1) introns <- as.matrix(fread("mouse_VISp_2018-06-14_intron-matrix.csv"),rownames=1) t_counts <- exons + introns
Count matrix has Entrez ID as row names, and this file below has gene symbols, if needed.
gene_info <- read.csv("mouse_VISp_2018-06-14_genes-rows.csv",row.names=1) # This file has gene names
Transpose counts so samples are rows and genes are columns.
Since this file is large we'll just read in the first 10 cells for this example.
counts <- t(t_counts[,1:10])
Read in the data with "h5read" in the "rhdf5" R library.
As a specific example, we'll download 10x data from mouse cortex and hippocampus from here: https://portal.brain-map.org/atlases-and-data/rnaseq/mouse-whole-cortex-and-hippocampus-10x.
Prior to running any code, download the data from this file (https://idk-etl-prod-download-bucket.s3.amazonaws.com/aibs_mouse_ctx-hpf_10x/expression_matrix.hdf5)[5.3GB] to your working directory.
library(rhdf5) # Load library h5ls("expression_matrix.hdf5") # This will let you find the location of the counts
Since this file is large we'll just read in the first 10 cells for this example.
counts <- h5read("expression_matrix.hdf5", "/data/counts", index=list(1:10,NULL)) genes <- h5read("expression_matrix.hdf5","/data/gene") samples <- h5read("expression_matrix.hdf5","/data/samples")[1:10] colnames(counts) <- as.character(genes) # Add row names rownames(counts) <- as.character(samples) # Add column names
At this point, you should have a matrix (dense or sparse) with samples as rows and columns as genes.
library(anndata) # Load library genes <- colnames(counts) samples <- rownames(counts) sparse_counts <- as(counts, "dgCMatrix") # Convert to sparse matrix, if not already countAD <- AnnData(X = sparse_counts, # Create the anndata object var = data.frame(genes=genes,row.names=genes), obs = data.frame(samples=samples,row.names=samples)) write_h5ad(countAD, "counts.h5ad") # Write it out as h5ad
It's possible to bring a large h5ad file into compliance with the 2 GB file limit by reducing it to the mendatory adata.X, adata.var_names, & adata.obs_names and removing all other data and metadata.
The below steps minimized a 6.3GB h5ad file containing ~41,000 cells by 500 genes to a 120MB h5ad file.
import anndata as ad
Load your existing h5ad file that is >500MB.
my_too_large_adata = ad.read_h5ad('path/to/file/my_data.h5ad')
Copy over just the cell-by-gene table, .X, into a new AnnData object.
minimal_adata = ad.AnnData(my_too_large_adata.X)
Copy over the gene identifiers (required for mapping).
# (a) if gene identifiers are stored in adata.var.index: minimal_adata.var_names = my_too_large_adata.var_names # (b) if gene identifiers are stored in adata.var['your_column']: minimal_adata.var_names = my_too_large_adata.var['your_column']
Copy over cell identifiers (helpful for keeping track during later analyses of mapping results).
smaller_adata.obs_names = my_too_large_adata.obs_names
Write minimal adata (hopefully now <500MB!) to h5ad file.
minimal_adata.write('path/to/file/new_adata_for_MapMyCells.h5ad', compression='gzip')
The below steps decrease the size of an existing h5ad file down to the minimal possible file that can be mapped. They leave only adata$X, adata.var_names, & adata.obs_names and remove all additional data and metadata. Example: 1.5GB h5ad file containing ~5,000 cells by ~36,000 genes minimized to 170MB h5ad file.
Load your existing h5ad file that is >500MB.
my_too_large_adata = read_h5ad('path/to/file/my_data.h5ad')
Copy over just the cell-by-gene table, .X, into a new AnnData object.
minimal_adata = my_too_large_adata$X
Copy over the gene identifiers (required for mapping).
# (a) if gene identifiers are stored as colnames of my_too_large_adata$X, you can skip this step # (b) if gene identifiers are stored in adata$var['your_column']: colnames(minimal_adata) = my_too_large_adata$var[['your_column']]
Copy over cell identifiers (helpful for keeping track during later analyses of mapping results) [OPTIONAL].
# (a) if cell identifiers are stored as rownames of my_too_large_adata$X, you can skip this step # (b) if cell identifiers are stored in adata$obs['your_column']: rownames(minimal_adata) = my_too_large_adata$obs[['your_column']]
Write minimal adata (hopefully now <500MB!) to h5ad file.
ad <- AnnData( X = minimal_adata, obs = data.frame(group = rownames(minimal_adata), row.names = rownames(minimal_adata)), var = data.frame(type = colnames(minimal_adata), row.names = colnames(minimal_adata)) ) write_h5ad(ad,'path/to/file/new_adata_for_MapMyCells.h5ad', compression='gzip')
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