These tools are organized by a description of their functionality, their RRID (Research Resource Identification), the type of software, data modality, and which Allen Institute resource's data was utilized for this tool. The authors of the tool are listed first by computational contributors then by academic authors when the tool has a relevant publication.
This package provides a Python interface for acquiring and analyzing the Allen Human Brain Atlas microarray expression data. It includes a reproducible workflow for processing the microarray expression data for further analysis.
Software Type |
data processing software |
Modality |
gene expression |
Allen Resource Utilized |
Allen Human Brain Atlas |
Author |
Ross Markello |
Year Released |
2021 |
ABBA is a Fiji plugin that facilitates registering thin serial sections (coronal, sagittal, horizontal) to several atlases. The compatible atlases include Allen Mouse Common Coordinate Framework, the Waxholm Rat Brain Atlas, and all BrainGlobe atlases.
Software Type |
data registration |
Modality |
neuroanatomy |
Allen Resource Utilized |
Allen Mouse Common Coordinate Framework |
Author |
Year Released |
2023 |
ABI-expression-data-generator is a package-manager-friendly archive of gene expression maps registered in SMRI standard space from the Allen Mouse Brain Atlas. It queries the database, can download available data, convert it from a raw format to NIfTI, and register it to a standard space.
Software Type |
data processing software, data registration |
Modality |
gene expression |
Allen Resource Utilized |
Allen Mouse Brain Atlas |
Author |
Horea Christian |
Year Released |
2020 |
AllenDensityVectors contains the commands to establish direction vectors (3d unit vectors associated to voxels of a brain region) for the cerebellum, the isocortex, and the thalamus of the AIBS P56 mouse brain.
Software Type |
data navigation software |
Modality |
neuroanatomy |
Allen Resource Utilized |
Allen Mouse Brain Atlas |
Author |
Blue Brain Project |
Year Released |
2023 |
AllenDigger is a toolkit to preprocess gene expression data and visualize the spatial distribution of genes of interest, characterize the spatial heterogeneity of the brain, as well as to register cells from single-cell transcriptomics data to fine anatomical brain regions via machine learning methods. AllenDigger aids precise spatial gene expression queries and extra spatial information to further interpret the scRNA-seq data.
Software Type |
data preprocessing software, data registration, visualization |
Modality |
gene expression |
Allen Resource Utilized |
Allen Mouse Brain Atlas |
Author |
Mengdi Wang, Liangchen Zhuo, Wenji Ma, Yan Zhuo, Xiaoqun Wang |
Year Released |
2022 |
AP-histology is a data pipeline that aligns histology images to the Allen Common Coordinate Framework.
Software Type |
data registration |
Modality |
histology |
Allen Resource Utilized |
Allen Common Coordinate Framework |
Author |
Andy Peters |
Year Released |
2023 |
AtlasDenities contains the tools to create the BBP Cell Atlas, using the Allen Mouse Brain Atlas and collected literature density values. It provides a list of volumetric files that provides cell type density estimates for each voxel of the mouse brain volume.
Software Type |
data integration software |
Modality |
mouse cell types |
Allen Resource Utilized |
Allen Mouse Brain Atlas |
Author |
Blue Brain Project |
Year Released |
2023 |
The Atlas Ontology Model (AOM) identifies and defines the relationships between four common atlases and characterizes their properties and organization. This model can serve as a suggestion for minimum requirements for atlases and will accelerate neuroscience data integration.
Software Type |
educational, data integration tool |
Modality |
ontology |
Allen Resource Utilized |
Allen Mouse Brain Atlas, Allen Common Coordinate Framework |
Author |
Heidi Kleven, Thomas H. Gillespie, Lyuba Zehl, Time Dickscheid, Jan G. Bjaalie, et al. |
Year Released |
2011 |
The bg-atlasapi tool provides a consistent way to process brain atlas data from various sources. It is a common interface for programmers to download and process brain atlas data from multiple sources.
Software Type |
data integration, visualization tool |
Modality |
general brain atlas data |
Allen Resource Utilized |
Allen Mouse Brain Atlas, Allen Human Brain Atlas |
Author |
Luigi Petrucco, Federico Claudi, Adam Tyson, David Stansby |
Year Released |
2020 |
Brainmapr is an R package to infer the spatial location of neural progenitor subpopulations within the developing mouse brain by integrating single-cell RNA-seq data with in situ RNA patterns from the Allen Developing Mouse Brain Atlas.
Software Type |
data analysis software, data integration |
Modality |
gene expression |
Allen Resource Utilized |
Allen Developing Mouse Brain Atlas |
Author |
Jean Fan- Kharchenko Lab at Biomedical Informatics (HMS) |
Year Released |
2015 |
Brainreg is a Python-based tool that registers the template brain (e.g. from the Allen Reference Atlas) to the sample image. This is an automated registration process that is compatible with multiple atlases and species.
Software Type |
data registration |
Modality |
brain imaging |
Allen Resource Utilized |
Allen Mouse Brain Reference Atlas, Allen Human Brain Atlas |
Author |
Adam Tyson, Charly Rousseau |
Year Released |
2020 |
BrainRegion markers is an R package that provides a matrix of a predefined set of marker genes for many regions of the human brain, using data from the Allen Human Brain Atlas.
RRID | |
Software Type |
data preprocessing software |
Modality |
genetics |
Allen Resource Utilized |
Allen Human Brain Atlas |
DeepSlice is an automated data registration tool based in Python which aligns mouse histology with the Allen Mouse Common Coordinate Framework. This tool only works on coronally cut sections and is best for brightfield images.
Software Type |
data registration |
Modality |
histology, imaging |
Allen Resource Utilized |
Allen Mouse Brain Atlas, Common Coordinate Framework |
Author |
Harry Carey, Michael Pegios |
Year Released |
2023 |
HERBS facilitates the process of brain atlas image registration and image visualization through two- and three-dimensional visualization of brain atlas volume data, arbitrary slicing, and user-defined data.
Software Type |
image registration, image visualization |
Modality |
neuroanatomy, histology |
Allen Resource Utilized |
Allen Mouse Brain Atlas |
Author |
Jingyi G. Fuglstad |
Year Released |
2022 |
JuGEx combines data from the Allen Human Brain Atlas and the EBRAINS Human Brain Atlas, specifically to discover how gene activities and microanatomical architectures contribute to brain function and dysfunction. Both tissue transcriptome and probabilistic brain segregation data allow for integrating gene expression, brain structure, and function knowledge.
Software Type |
data integration software, data analysis software |
Modality |
genetics |
Allen Resource Utilized |
Allen Human Brain Atlas |
Author |
Sebastian Bludau, Thomas W. Mühleisen, Simon B. Eickhoff, Michael J. Hawrylycz, Sven Cichon, et al. |
Year Released |
2018 |
MENGA is a platform for the integration of imaging data and Allen Human Brain Atlas mRNA data. MENGA investigates correlation patterns between various imaging modalities and gene expression profiles based on the Allen Human Brain Atlas in order to create a comprehensive, integrated data platform.
Software Type |
data integration |
Modality |
gene expression |
Allen Resource Utilized |
Allen Human Brain Atlas |
Author |
Gaia Rizzo, Mattia Veronese, Paul Expert |
Year Released |
2016 |
MIRACL is an automated software resource that collates histologically cleared volumes alongside connectivity atlases and MRI, enabling analysis of histological features across multiple fiber tracts and networks, and their correlation with in vivo biomarkers. This tool serves as an open-source pipeline for automated registration of mice clarity data to the Allen Mouse Brain Reference Atlas.
Software Type |
data registration |
Modality |
histology, image registration |
Allen Resource Utilized |
Allen Mouse Brain Reference Atlas, Allen Mouse Connectivity Atlas |
Author |
Magen Goubran |
Year Released |
2023 |
MorphAPI is a Python package to facilitate downloading neuronal morphological reconstructions from publicly available datasets. With the provided APIs, the user can download data of selected neurons and functionality to create 3d meshes with the neuronal reconstruction for visualization.
Software Type |
data registration |
Modality |
morphology |
Allen Resource Utilized |
Allen Cell Types Database |
Author |
Year Released |
2022 |
Nutil is a data processing resource that simplifies and streamlines the pre-and-post processing of 2D brain image data from both the mouse and rat. To use Nutil, the user specifies the input and output parameters in the GUI, requiring no prior software experience.
Software Type |
data processing software |
Modality |
spatial analysis, histology |
Allen Resource Utilized |
Allen Mouse Brain reference atlas |
Author |
Sharon Yates, Nicolaas Groeneboom |
Year Released |
2019 |
QuickNII is a tool for user-guided affine registration (anchoring) of 2D experimental image data, typically high-resolution microscopic images to 3D atlas reference space, facilitating data integration with the Allen Mouse Brain Reference Atlas.
Software Type |
data registration |
Modality |
image analysis |
Allen Resource Utilized |
Allen Mouse Brain Reference Atlas, Common Coordinate Framework |
Author |
Maja Amedjkouh Puchades, Gergely Csucs, Sharon Yates |
Year Released |
2018 |
ProcessGeneLists (PGL) is an R package that links genetics and human brain imaging by using genes associated with a disease and calculating a normalized mRNA expression average of those genes in each brain region. By uploading lists of genes and brain regions of interest, this package will return a CSV with the results.
Software Type |
data integration, data analysis software |
Modality |
gene expression, neuroanatomy |
Allen Resource Utilized |
Allen Human Brain Atlas |
Author |
Guillermo F. Pollete, Savannah N. Gosnell, Matthew Meyer, Mary Fang, Tien Nquyen, Michelle A. Patriquin, David Nielsen, Thomas Kosten, Ramiro Salas |
Year Released |
2023 |
SHARCQ is a group of software tools that register histological section images and cell count locations to a mouse brain atlas. Semi-automated workflow and GUI for automated brain slice histology alignment, registration, and cell quantification make it possible to explore the Allen Mouse Brain Atlas, register asymmetric slice images to atlas using manual input, and analyze regions of interest data by registering locations of fluorescently labeled cells to standardized regions of the Allen Mouse Brain Reference Atlas.
Software Type |
data registration, data analysis |
Modality |
cell type, histology |
Allen Resource Utilized |
Allen Mouse Brain Reference Atlas |
Author |
Kris Lauridsen, Annie Ly |
Year Released |
2022 |
SMART is an R package that builds a pipeline to process whole brain imaging datasets. This pipeline includes image registration, segmentation, coordinate navigation, standardized organization, and novel methods to parse through whole brain datasets and visualize data across various brain regions.
Software Type |
data alignment, data segmentation, data registration, data analysis |
Modality |
neuroanatomy |
Allen Resource Utilized |
Allen Mouse Brain Atlas, Allen Common Coordinate Framework |
Author |
Michelle Jin, Joseph Nguyen |
Year Released |
2019 |
VisuAlign is a Java-based software tool for applying user-guided nonlinear refinements (inplane) to existing, affine 2D-to-3D registration. It can be used for precise quantitative analysis of residual anatomical variability among test subjects after registration.
Software Type |
data analysis software, data registration |
Modality |
neuroanatomy |
Allen Resource Utilized |
Allen Mouse Brain Reference Atlas |
Author |
Gergely Csucs |
Year Released |
2022 |
This list of third-party tools utilizing Allen Brain Map resources is for informational purposes only and do not constitute an endorsement or approval by Allen Institute of any of the tools or other products, services, or opinions of the associated organizations. Allen Institute bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality, or content of the external tools or for that of subsequent links. The descriptions of these tools were adapted from their individual websites.
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